Timer Group

Check only if you need to use timer features.

Set a delay from the moment the hotkey is pressed to the time the recording is started. The maximum delay time is 100 seconds.

In delayed recording, when the count-down timer is displayed, click the Record Now button to record right away.

Record according to a schedule. It will be enabled when Fixed area, Active window or Specific window is selected in Window, or Full screen is selected in the Screen group.

Scheduled Capture Settings Dialog

Start at

Calendar - Set the starting time for the recurrence. Click the drop-down to select the date. Type or press the up and down arrows to set the hour, minute, and second.

AutoScreenRecorder startup - Start recording when AutoScreenRecorder is launched.

Choose from the following options,

Once - Only record once.
Every day - Record every day.
Weekly – Check the days you want.
Monthly - Choose a day in the month and month intervals.

Choose how the scheduled recording will finish.

Forever - No end date.
End at – End at a specific date and time.

The text on the button will show what you selected on the dialog, in this format:
(date-time) (schedule).

(date-time): month-day hour : minute 
(schedule): 1 - Once; d – Every day; w – Weekly; m - Monthly

For example, this means starting at December 31 at 9:00, and every day afterwards.

Stop after
Stop recording at a given length and save it to a video file.

When the disk space is low, <100M, recording will be stopped. So please make sure you have enough disk space where the video file is saved.

Next: Save Video Tab >